Bob Taylor
Bob is an artist and photographer who has been drawing and painting his whole life. As a former tattoo artist, he has explored many styles of art and even used his skills to paint custom cars and motorcycles. Bob is an active member of several online communities for artists, and has been using PaintShop Pro for many years.
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What do you use PaintShop Pro for?
I use PaintShop Pro for my photographs, but mainly for my art work.
2. How did you get started in photography or art?
I was a tattoo artist for many years. I also painted custom cars and motorcycles, I do not recall a time in my life that I didn’t do any kind of drawings or paintings. I started photography when my wife bought me a camera to get me outside more, and the rest is history.
3. Describe your style?
I have no one single style, I have the ability to draw what people want me to create for them. In doing tattoos I have learned and copied many styles of art. Though I love doing cartoon drawings, it’s this style that keeps my feet on the ground and my head out of the clouds.
4. What inspires your photography or art?
My art inspires my photography, I love taking pictures of strong shadows and shapes. The way the light shines on an object is so hard to create as an artist, since my wife bought me my first camera I know now that I have the best of both worlds.
5. How long have you been using PaintShop Pro for and why PaintShop Pro?
I have been using PaintShop Pro since Jasc 7, and it gives me everything I need to be creative, I do have other large drawing and painting programs and they are awesome for other artists. PaintShop Pro gives me what I need to create and that is what I think a program should offer an artist.
6. What is your favorite feature in PaintShop Pro?
I love many features of PaintShop Pro, but my favorite feature is the layers panel. It gives me the ability to create different parts of a drawing on its own layer, giving me the peace of mind if I do make a mistake. I can just delete that layer without losing everything I have created. The smudge brush is a close second, it allows me to put depth into my art. And the good old eraser tool, because I do make many mistakes while I’m drawing.
7. Why should others try PaintShop Pro?
The reason I use PaintShop Pro is for the ease of creating my art and photographs. PaintShop Pro is easy to learn, and the price is just right. I belong to many artist groups online, and a lot of members have switched to PaintShop Pro for those reasons alone. When people see what I can create with PaintShop Pro they are amazed that this program was capable of. Therefore, anyone should try PaintShop Pro for those reasons. I think they’ll like what they see.
Images by Bob

Working with the RAW lab

Cropping photos for better composition

Turn your JPEG photos into HDR images

Using ParticleShop with PaintShop Pro: Part 1

Create a dreamy effect on a portrait

Outlining with the Pen tool

Enhancing photos with the Burn and Dodge tools

How to add Dodge and Burn highlights
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