Brad Barton
Brad is a North Texas based artist who tells people’s stories and captures their emotions in sometimes fantastical, sometimes bizarre, sometimes surreal ways. Using his imagination, camera, and digital tools, he has created work for clients big and small. His work has been published in nationally distributed books and magazines, has been featured in feature length motion pictures, and has won numerous awards. Brad holds Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman degrees from Professional Photographers of America and continues to teach and write about art and photography.
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Learn more about Brad
What do you use PaintShop Pro for?
I use PaintShop Pro exclusively for all my editing needs – everything from basic retouching to multiple layer conceptual art pieces.
How did you get started in photography or art?
I have had a camera in my hands as long as I can remember, but I ended up doing this professionally somewhat by accident. I had a chance encounter with a local acting coach who asked me to do headshots for a book she was writing. One thing led to another and a photography business was born. The art side of things came later as I started to embrace the power of PaintShop Pro for creating the elaborate scenes I had in my head.
Describe your style?
My images tell stories. My goal is for a viewer looking at my images to pick up the basic story and long for more. As such, many of my art pieces capture a moment from that story – almost a still frame from within a movie in my head.
What inspires your photography or art?
I am inspired by the rich worlds of fantasy and mythology the most – everything from the ancient world mythologies to the fairy tales of the Dark Ages and all the way through modern day fantasy novels, movies, and comic books. I also look forward to Halloween season every year – as co-producer of a haunted house, sometimes my art can take a dark turn as well.
How long have you been using PaintShop Pro for and why PaintShop Pro?
I have used PaintShop Pro since the early 1990’s. We needed image editing software to support our software development needs. When I started doing digital photography around 2005, it seemed a natural progression for me to use the tools I knew to edit photos as well. That familiarity with the tools and interface is why I continue to use it. PaintShop Pro is extremely powerful and it does everything I need it to do.
What is your favorite feature in PaintShop Pro?
Picking a favorite feature is almost like picking a favorite child. I probably use the layers abilities the most but I also make extensive use of the photo retouching tools like the Blemish Remover, Scratch Remover, and Push Brush. The scripting language is extremely powerful and I have several that I have written over the years to make my workflow smoother. It’s ability to use third party plug-ins is one of the features that keeps it the most competitive.
Why should others try PaintShop Pro?
PaintShop Pro is fast, flexible, and intuitive. It is not locked into a subscription model which forces updates on you at the most inopportune times – you can upgrade when it is convenient to you. The features available keep up with the competition. And all of that is done at a price point that is hard to believe. For me, PaintShop Pro is not an alternative to similar products. It is my solution to my needs.
Images by Brad
Webinar: An Introduction to Working with Layers
Webinar: Working with Layers Part 2
Webinar: The Ins and Outs of Masking
Webinar: Make a spook-tacular photo
Webinar: Portrait retouching in PaintShop Pro
Download your FREE 30-day trial and make every shot your best shot with PaintShop Pro 2023, your all-in-one photo editing and design software.