Portrait Painting with Aaron Rutten

Learn how to use any reference photo to paint amazing digital portraits using Painter without cloning or auto painting. Painter Master Elite Aaron Rutten paints a self-portrait while describing his process so you can follow along. Impress your friends and family with the portrait painting skills you’ll learn in this easy-to-follow guide.

How to Paint Portraits: Part 1

In part 1 of this portrait painting series, you will learn how to use Painter to trace over a photograph to get a rough outline of the face.

How to Paint Portraits: Part 2

In part 2 of this portrait painting series, you will learn how to use Painter to add basic details by outlining the features and tinting to add shadows.

How to Paint Portraits: Part 3

In part 3 of this portrait painting series, you will learn how to use Painter to blend colors, establish contours and add highlights.

How to Paint Portraits: Part 4

In part 4 of this portrait painting series, you will learn some Painter tips to make your coloring natural and your portrait seem realistic.

How to Paint Portraits: Part 5

In part 5 of this portrait painting series, you will learn how to use Painter to paint hair and eyebrows, focusing on light, color and reflection.

How to Paint Portraits: Part 6

In part 6 of this portrait painting series, you will learn how to use Painter to finalize your portrait by adding fine details, highlights and texture.