Cher Threinen-Pendarvis
Painter Master
An award-winning artist and author, Cher Threinen-Pendarvis has always worked with traditional art tools. A native Californian, her art is a reflection of the inspiring travels she made with her family around the Pacific Rim — Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan, and Hong King, to name a few. A pioneer in digital art, Cher has created illustrations using the Macintosh computer for nearly three decades. She has been widely recognized for her mastery of Painter, Photoshop and the Wacom pressure-sensitive tablet, and has used these electronic tools since they were first released. Exercising her passion for Painter’s artist tools, Cher has worked as a consultant and demo-artist for the developers of Painter. Her artwork has been exhibited worldwide and her articles and art have been published in many books and periodicals. Cher holds a BFA with Highest Honors and Distinction in Art specializing in painting and printmaking, and she is a member of the San Diego -Museum of Art Artist Guild and the Point Loma Artists Association. She has taught Painter and Photoshop workshops around the world, and is principal of the consulting firm Cher Threinen Design. Cher is author of all ten editions of The Painter Wow! Book and both editions of The Photoshop and Painter Artist Tablet Book, Creative Techniques in Digital Painting.
To learn more about Cher, visit her web site