

Get a different freebie every week! Each week we add another product to download on our Freebies page so make sure to bookmark this page and check back often. These freebies are only available for a limited time, so don’t miss out!

Week 1: Dramatic Landscapes script #1

Instantly add new dimension to your landscape photos and create striking scenes with this free Dramatic Landscape script (#1) for PaintShop Pro. Get more with our Dramatic Landscapes script pack, on sale now in the PaintShop Pro welcome screen store.

Week 2: Halloween motion graphic

Create fun video titles with this free Halloween motion graphic (#3). Download includes instructions on installing, using and customizing motion graphics in Pinnacle Studio 23+ and VideoStudio 2019+.

Week 3: Coming soon…

Check back each week to see what the freebie will be!

Week 4: Coming soon…

Check back each week



Photo editing freebies from Creation Cassel and Scrapbook Campus

Spider web frame

This freebie from Creation Cassel is a large black frame made of spider webs. The frame is in PNG format and large enough to accommodate many photos.


The freebie from Scrapbook Campus is a set of two postcards that can be used to write messages. They are the correct size to actually print and mail if you want to print something on the back.

Free trials!

Download a free trial of Corel’s award-winning photo editing, video editing, graphic design or digital art software. No risk. No obligation. No credit card required!

Comments (37)

Reader Interactions


  1. Michele says

    I love the weekly freebies that Corel gives us. My one complaint is they repeat the same ones over and over. I wish they would offer only new ones.

  2. Judy E Hudson says

    I agree with Pix Smith, my wish is for the programs to work as advertised…
    I purchased the playing card marking photo script, the multi-frame script, and the photo gallery. I have a problem with each script when it gets to the adjusting photo stage. My photo either does not merge into the space, I’m not able to get the photo, or the photo cannot adjust. I asked for assistance with the playing card script and received support until the photo not adjusting stage…

    • gilliandarby says

      Hi Judy,
      If you are having issues with these 3 scripts, please use the contact email address that is provided in the README text file that was included in the product download. The script creator, Creation Cassel, is a PaintShop Pro expert and will help you troubleshoot any issues you are having with the scripts.
      Best regards,
      The Discovery Center team

    • Ron says

      You’ll also find Carole Cassel on Scrapbooking with Paintshop Pro on Facebook. She is also on Paintshop Pro on Facebook. Helps a lot of people with PSP problems. She also is the person who write many of those scripts used in PSP. She does have her own online store with some terrific PSP stuff.

    • gilliandarby says

      Hi Claus,

      Please let us know which program you are having difficulties with so we can direct you to the appropriate learning resources.
      Best regards,
      The Discovery Center team

      • mattmatt says

        I am having problems with purchased bundles. I hit the install and it goes through the motion of installing and when finished. the bundles or scripts are on there

        • gilliandarby says

          Hi Matt,
          Can you try clicking on “Restore Purchases” listed under the Help menu?
          The Discovery Center team

  3. Mauro Micucci says

    Buona sera, dove posso trovare tutorial in italiano per Paintshop Pro 2023 Ultimate o versioni precedenti? Grazie

    • gilliandarby says

      Ciao Mauro,
      Per vedere i sottotitoli nella tua lingua:
      – Fai clic sull’icona “Settings/Impostazioni” nell’angolo in basso a destra del video player
      – Fare clic su “Subtitles/Sottotitoli” e selezionare la lingua
      – Se la tua lingua non è elencata, fai clic su “English (auto-generated)/Inglese (generato automaticamente)”, quindi fai clic su “Traduzione automatica” e seleziona la lingua.
      Distinti saluti
      Discovery Center team

    • Ittai Tadmor says

      I use Pinnacle Studio. When I look at all the add-ons I can buy here I see that the ones that are good for Pinnacle Studio are about 3 times more expensive than those for Video Studio.

  4. Micha says

    Danke für das Free Colored Particles Video Overlay.
    Leider konnte ich es nur als MOV laden
    Die anderen waren doch immer als mp4 abgespeichert
    Gruß Micha

    Thanks for the Free Colored Particles Video Overlay.
    Unfortunately, I could only load it as a MOV
    The others were always saved as mp4
    Greetings Micha

  5. ANN SEEBER says

    The download link for the Spring Collage Templates takes me to the Spring Greenery Script again. Can you fix?

  6. Ron B. says

    It really would be nice if Corel would put these weekly freebies directly into PSP. Maybe within the Store located under the Home tab where many free items can be found when you first install PSP. Maybe include a notification when each one is available for download and allow it to be downloaded and installed from the program itself. I forget to check weekly because the Corel emails do not have a reminder or a link to the freebies each week.

  7. tc says

    Ok. What’s the deal? The Creations Cassel Hanging Photos Template has been a “freebie” on Discovery Center for many weeks. I’ve tried several times to download the link for that freebie and I keep getting a link to Spring Flowers frame. Don’t want the Spring Flowers frame but would really like to try out the Hanging Photos Template. Can you fix this?

    • gilliandarby says

      Hi tc,
      I’m not sure what is causing this issue for you. I’ve double-checked the link and it is correct ( I’ve downloaded the file from that page and it is the hanging photos template. The only thing I noticed is that the browser tab name says “spring flowers” which was the offer last month. However the photo and description on the page is for the hanging photos template. I’ve notified Creation Cassel about the incorrect tab name. Are you not seeing the image and description on the page for the hanging photos template?
      Best regards,
      The Discovery Center team

  8. Ron Sherard says

    Clicking on the link for how to use the free content pack results in a 404 error. Where is the PDF and how does one get it?

  9. Ann Seeber says

    Your Freebie offer of 9-24-23: Vintage Label Motion Graphic, doesn’t state which Corel software to use.

    • gilliandarby says

      Hi Ann,

      Motion graphics are for use in video projects, so the Corel software to use would be VideoStudio or Pinnacle Studio.

      Best regards,
      The Discovery Center team

  10. Randy K says

    Having fun with Paintshop Pro Scripting … Have you ever considered learning Scripting in Paintshop Pro? I suggest you contact .. I decided to buy all 5 modules of the scripting course and admit it was going slowly until a SCRIPT ALONG was given. This opened my eyes to possibilities and I now have created some script that I imagined. It is really fun. If you decide to enrol in the scripting course, I think that watching the script along video is a must.

  11. David Wellman says

    Thank you for all of the Freebie’s that you give away! They are great! Many Thanks to your entire Team of Specialist’s and the Corel Team. Have a great week!

  12. Fractella says

    What ever happened to the old Julia Fractal Plug-In?
    That was a fantastic App that just vanished without explanation from Corel.
    Corel 8 / 10 I think, been too long. And other Plug-Ins that were powerful
    up and vanished. Tried to find them and nothing on the web except Adobe
    plug-ins or others.