Ariel Garaza Diaz
CorelDRAW Master
Ariel Garaza Diaz was born on 1965 in Montevideo, Uruguay and started with graphic design on 1980 at age 15. Of course, at that time it was all hand drawings. He studied Advertising, Media and Journalism, and from there he started to use the computer in his daily work. When he discovered CorelDRAW in 1989, he changed his way of working and his task performance increased. After teaching at various institutes, in 1995 Ariel founded his own school where he taught the first Official Course of Graphic Design for the Printers’ Association of Uruguay. Ariel has more than 15 years of experience in Pre-Press and more than 35 years in Design. He has worked in Europe and Uruguay and has given a conference about CorelDRAW in Mexico. He has also written several articles for books, such as “Graphics Unleashed” by Foster Coburn and “Insights of the Experts” published by Corel, as well as several tutorials.