George Kurzik

George fell in love with photography when he spent summer vacations working at a local camera shop. His love for shooting landscapes, trees, bridges and cityscapes is evident in his captivating, ethereal images. With every wide-angle capture and blue hour scenes, he aims to create compelling images that invite the viewer to step into the photograph. His passion and keen eye, have won George numerous awards for photography and his work has been published in Photography Week and Pennsylvania Magazine. He has been using and relying on PaintShop Pro for many years. His favorite features include the scratch removal and cloning tools which remove unwanted flaws and objects from photos and compositions.

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Read more about George

What do you use PaintShop Pro for?

I use PaintShop Pro for final editing, particularly for color correction and clone editing.

How long have you been using PaintShop Pro for and why PaintShop Pro?

I started using PaintShop Pro many years ago when it was bundled with new computers. After extending my skill set in photography, I found PaintShop Pro was easy to keep learning and it possessed all of the tools I needed.

How did you get started in photography?

Many years ago, I worked at a local camera shop (Bergen County Camera) where I grew up and spent my summer vacations from college as their manager. That’s where my interest in photography started.

Describe your style?

I attempt to capture compelling images that invite the viewer to step into the photograph. My primary style is based on long exposures coupled with HDR to produce ethereal landscapes, often in blue hour or in IR.

What do you love to photograph the most?

I love to shoot inviting landscapes, trees, bridges, and cityscapes.

What inspires your photography?

Very wide angle captures that produce tension and escape the static.

What is your favorite feature in PaintShop Pro? Why?

There are many features I love but among my favorites are the scratch removal tool, essential for removing sensor spots from complete images, and the cloning tool which helps me remove unwanted objects from my compositions.

Images by George

Webinars by George

Blue Hour Photography

In this 1-hour recorded webinar, PaintShop Professional George Kurzik shares his tips for Blue Hour photography and advanced photo editing.

Cityscape Photography

Watch this webinar on demand to learn how to photograph cities and moving elements like people and traffic, plus editing tips to create stunning cityscapes.

Fixing Common Photo Imperfections

Learn how to fix common photo imperfections, such as bad lighting, out of focus or overexposed, in this webinar by PaintShop Professional George Kurzik.

See what’s new in PaintShop Pro!

Download your FREE 30-day trial and make every shot your best shot with PaintShop Pro, your all-in-one photo editing and design software.