Old Ubiquinox USTJ-1 M1D1.cdr


Cruelty and Cowardice has Consequences — °°°°°°°Z°.,,/;··÷····

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A new derivative version of Reg Nos. VAu 1-291-132, 2017, and VAu 1-393-433, 2020

A proposed new unified single specification for The Flag of The Episcopal Church.

Follows current design standards and trends of the ENS and the National Church.

Shown here in this worksheet as a 1:5 ratio scale of the 3′ by 5′ production version.

Rediscovered during a routine historical research sweep, the Planetcracker Series reintroduces a long-forgotten ancient popular classic of American vexillology – the *Union* Thunderhead Battle Flag, rebuilt and upgraded to now replace the outgoing Last Confederate Battle Flag; presented here as an 18-Hyperstar Orionis Bar Saltire Latin Cross Embracement Canton.

A redesigned, optically tuned traditional English Jack fly is finished with a 150% scale Starwalker Solitaire Sun Hunter Carina Blossom Nebulae. Shown here in CorelDRAW® 2021 PANTONE+® Solid Coated-V4 Tierney Orange 2011, Red 2347, Blue 2133, Joe Navy 2766, & Tierney Yellow 395.

Fonts by Larabie, Piekos, & Bitstream /The Ultimate Font Download.

Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2021 David M. Frost. All Rights Reserved.