Tag - digital art

How to create the proton pack energy stream effect
30 years ago the original Ghostbusters movie was released and I thought it would be fun to create a Ghostbusters-inspired picture. Here is how to create the proton pack energy stream effect using PaintShop Pro (these steps will work [...]
Fall contest winners!
Finally, we are pleased to announce the winners of our Fall contests! The gorgeous sights and scenes of Fall really seemed to inspire you, as we received tons of wonderful entries. Thanks to everyone who submitted entries and we [...]
Freeze the Moment contest winners!
Today we are so excited to announce the winners of our Freeze the Moment contest. If you have had a chance to browse through the contest gallery you will see that we had over 100 creative and talented entries! [...]
Car Digital Art Illustrations at their Fastest and Finest
Automotive digital art and illustrations can be used in many ways. They can represent an automotive concept for the future, promote an upcoming vehicle release or simply pay tribute to the latest installment of Grand Theft Auto. Artistically and [...]
Star Wars Digital Art and Illustrations
There is an endless amount of Star Wars digital art and illustrations out there. Here are several pieces from deviantart.com. All equally awesome. Training Day by ~ornicar Facing your past by ~AdamBrownART Clone Prize 04 – Bones by [...]