Tag - video
Learn to Automate Your Photo Editing with Scripts
Do you struggle to get professional-looking photos? Working on a project and the same edits or effects applied to multiple images? Then you need Scripting in PaintShop Pro! In this quick video, follow along as we show you how to apply [...]
Winter Sports contest winners!
It’s been a long, cold winter here at Discovery Center headquarters in Ottawa, Canada. Winter weather can make us feel like hibernating, so we were really inspired to see all the photos and videos of people outdoors enjoying winter [...]
A Taste of Austria – Brilliant Display of Timelapse and Hyperlapse
A small group of film makers from FilmSpektakel have completed a project that has taken close to two years to complete. Combining techniques of timelapse, hyperlapse, and astrolapse, the team has gathered over 5 terabytes of video footage and [...]
Fall contest winners!
Finally, we are pleased to announce the winners of our Fall contests! The gorgeous sights and scenes of Fall really seemed to inspire you, as we received tons of wonderful entries. Thanks to everyone who submitted entries and we [...]
5 Tips for Making a Great Slideshow
Slideshows have become a necessary basic skill to have for work and personal life alike. They are used for business presentations, for showing travel photos, and as a way to share memories at special occasions. Fortunately, learning how to [...]