Introducing NEW SmugMug Integration in AfterShot Pro 3

It’s official — we’re back with another all-new update for AfterShot Pro 3!

We’ve been hard at work bringing all sorts of enhancements as part of this fourth update. One of the features we’re most excited to introduce is an exciting new way to showcase your photography.

With a little help from our friends at SmugMug — the world’s largest independent photo sharing site — AfterShot Pro 3 now offers you a fully integrated and hassle-free option to work with, showcase, and sell your photos!

This all-new in-app integration delivers a streamlined workflow that makes it easier-than-ever to edit, organize in the cloud, share with friends and family, or even sell your best shots with a beautiful and fully customizable personal portfolio. Learn more about SmugMug at

Want to learn more about this latest update to AfterShot Pro 3? Just head over to our Updates page to read the release notes or download the update today.

And one extra note for our friends on Linux:  If you’re using the Debian operating system, please be aware that there are two different links available, one for users with Unity and one for those without.

Still haven’t tried AfterShot Pro 3 yet?  Download your FREE 30-day trial and get started now!

Comments (6)

Reader Interactions


    • gilliandarby says

      Hi Cliff,

      Here are the steps for using the SmugMug interface:
      1. From the Browse panel, click the Output tab, and in the SmugMug area, click Log In.
      2. Create or log in to your SmugMug account.
      3. In AfterShot, select and drag the thumbnails of the images that you want to share to one of the SmugMug upload presets.

      Hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions about this.

      The Discovery Center team

      • indyharcourt says

        I’m sorry, and I know this is 3 years later, but this description doesn’t help much at all.
        In the “SmugMug” interface, I see the following
        – SM Ask Once
        – SM Black&White
        – SM File Name
        – SM Full Size
        – SM Incognito
        – SM Proof
        – SM Sharpening
        None of these are defined as to what they mean and how they process my photos. For instance, what does “Ask once? mean? What about “Incognito”? “File Name”? Can the options be combined? It’s entirely confusing giving no guidance.

        I do appreciate the effort, but it really isn’t enough information to make any use of this process.
        Please create some on-line help for this, or create a link to SmugMug if they have some documentation.

        John Harcourt

  1. indyharcourt says

    I know this question is coming 2 years later, but I’d still like to better understand the SmugMug interface. What are the presets? How do they work? What happens to my photos when I drag them on there? Etc? Much more detailed overview and instructions would be most helpful.

  2. says

    I would like to know if I can remove SmugMug from ASP3 or at least assign another online storage such as Clickasnap
    I don’t wish to pay another monthly subscription so it is redundant.