Get 220+ new Pantone Colors FREE in CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite 2023.
Expand the range of colors you use to bring ideas to life with updated Pantone Color Palettes in CorelDRAW® and Corel PHOTO-PAINTTM. Ensure consistent color accuracy for any output with all the latest colors from Pantone.

New Colors. No extra charge.
We know other design solutions are now less affordable than ever and even charge for access to essential design elements. Case in point: color palettes.
With CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, you can be confident your colors are spot-on with integrated access to Pantone Color Libraries at no additional cost. On the contrary, Adobe customers must purchase a Pantone Connect subscription on top of their Adobe CC subscription to access the Pantone Matching System (PMS) for color specification.

Integrated access to Pantone Color Libraries at no additional cost
Pantone’s new color collection fills gaps between the 7,000+ colors in the PMS with shades that vary only slightly from their neighboring PMS colors but are distinct enough that the human eye can perceive the difference. And with free integrated access to Pantone’s latest set of colors, CorelDRAW designers have 220+ more ways to bring their exact color vision to life!
Try CorelDRAW Graphics Suite today to discover new colors that set accurate color expectations for output.