How to Install a Font

free font example

If I had a nickle for every time I was asked, “How do I install a font?“, well, I could retire.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of fonts out there. Corel WordPerfect Office, for example, ships with more than 900 fonts and CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has well over 1,000.

So, how do you install a font anyway? Actually, there are at least 3 different ways.


1. The easiest is to right-click on the font and select Install.
2. You could also double-click the font and click on the Install button.
3. Or you can drag the font to the Windows font folder.

Now, a bit of a caution here. DO NOT install them all. Microsoft Windows seems to get a bit grumpy if you do. Try to keep it under, say, 350 although there are those out there that will tell you that they have over 2,000 fonts installed and do not have an issue. In my opinion, it’s an accident looking for a place to happen.

Now I have mentioned that there are literally thousands and thousands of fonts out there, and rather than leave you to find them on your own, I thought that I might share a few links to sites where you can get some pretty cool fonts to play with for yourself.


While there are many font foundries (yup, that’s what they call them) that make high quality fonts (and some can fetch a pretty price), there are others that offer them for free. Here are just a few.

Font Paradise
Free Font Fun
Font Squirrel

How to Identify a Font

Now, while we are talking about fonts, I would be remiss if I did not bring up What the Font. For those that do not know, What the Font is the brainchild of those font people at Bitstream. It’s a site that allows you to identify a font based on a scanned image of the type. It’s a great innovation for those that need to identify a font used in a particular job. What the Font is also accessible from within CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, versions X4 and higher.

So the next time you are looking for a cool font well…. you know what to do.

Comments (15)

Reader Interactions


  1. Nettie says

    Thank you!! What else can I say? I am a fontfantastic nut!! I am careful not to overload, though. I do go in and delete those I do not use often, unless it is particular to a holiday. Thank you! I create post for my Facebook page using photos and my own artwork I have created in PSP for many years as backgrounds. I use PSP because I do both photos and my artwork which I can do in this one program. I use the font for my poetry, writings and Scriptures that I put on my backgrounds.

  2. Steve Osborn says

    I have a problem. I have used Garamond for probably 30 years. I finally succumbed to WP’s advertising and upgraded to the new WP8.
    Garamond and a few others have been deleted, apparently. If I bring up one of my older documents, it comes up in Times New Roman. I can change it to other fonts, but there is no Garamond.
    I have searched, but cannot find a way to import the font from old documents, etc. So far, I haven’t found Garamond anywhere, which is odd because thousands use it and a huge number of books have been printed in Garamond.
    The new fonts in WP8 do not provide me with a way to continue my newsletter, for everything is thrown out of kilter.
    Can you advise?

    • Adam says

      Hello Steve,

      WordPerfect uses the font files loaded into Windows, although it is possible that uninstalling a previous word processor removed a few that came with it as part of the process. Not to worry though! You can find Garamond online at a number of locations, including Font Squirrel and Google Fonts. Once you have downloaded them, simply install those fonts into the Windows font repository. Here is a Microsoft Support article on how to install fonts.

      Hope this helps!
      Corel Discovery Center Team

    • Adam says

      Hello Hannahlnm,

      How did you install the Zawgyi-One font? If the font has been incorrectly loaded into Windows, programs running in Windows will not be able to access the font file.

      Corel Discovery Center Team

    • Roger Wambolt says

      Hello Hannahlnm,
      One other thing to consider is that not all fonts have all characters built into them. If you try to use a character that is not in the font, it will provide a “default” character in its place. In this case, I suspect that the character is a “?”. I have seen some fonts where there are lowercase characters available and not uppercase characters.

  3. Bruce says

    That doesn’t help in the slightest! I know hoe to add fonts. Video pro 5 is not showing all the fonts I have on my computer.

    • Adam says

      Hello Bruce,

      Which version of Windows are you running? VideoStudio X5 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7, and we recommend making sure you have the latest service packs installed.

      Unfortunately support for VideoStudio X5 ended in 2014, and our technicians would not be able to assist with this issue if it persists after updates are applied. We would recommend taking a look at our Knowledgebase of previously resolved issues, and you can also ask around on the VideoStudio User Forums to see if another user has resolved a similar issue!

      Discovery Center Team

  4. Anita says

    I have WP Office, but don’t know where to look for all the fonts included. You say to right click it and install it, but I can’t tell by the window where to find them. The font list that automatically installs is not very varied.

    • Adam says

      Hello Anita,

      This guide to installing fonts refers to new fonts that have been downloaded from the internet or purchased from font foundries, meaning the font file would likely be in your My Downloads folder. The fonts that came with WP Office would already be installed and available for use once you installed the program.

      Hope this helps,
      Discovery Center Team

  5. Mark says

    I’m running Windows 10 and recently Corel Paintshop Pro 2018 stopped displaying fonts in the drop-down selection other than one. By opening another font in a separate window, I can get PSP to recognise/use it (and no other – I’m presently using Tahoma, with no other fonts displayed in the drop-down) but even reinstalling PSP did not help.

    Any ideas?

    • Adam says

      Hello Mark,

      Unfortunately PaintShop Pro 2018 is no longer a supported product, and our technicians would be unable to assist with this. We would suggest taking a look at the Knowledgebase, where we keep the solutions to many previously resolved issues, or the User Forums to see if anyone in the community has had a similar problem and resolved it.

      Hope this helps!
      Discovery Center Team

  6. Mark says

    Re my earlier dilemma – I find that if I type the name of the font I require, verbatim, in the selection box followed by Enter, then PSP will use it. It seems that just the drop-down box isn’t indexed/linked to the list of installed fonts.

  7. says

    When I installed 9X into my laptop, the papyrus font was not installed. I didn’t notice this until I started making changes in my book. After opening one of the chapters, the chapter heading font had changed. I did go to setting, but it was not there to be installed. Nevertheless, the papyrus font is installed on my desk top computer. Both are WP 9X, but were bought separately. Both are have the same release and date: 19.00.325, 2018. How do I get the papyrus font? Any help will help. DJDo

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