Tag - Discovery Center
New AfterShot 3.3 Update Delivers Enhanced Fuji X Support & More!
Say Hello to AfterShot 3.3! Today, we’re excited to officially unveil AfterShot Pro 3.3 with LOTS of new additions! In our third major update to AfterShot Pro 3, we’ve added support for several new Fuji X models, updated a [...]

Learn to automate your photo editing with scripts
Do you struggle to get professional-looking photos? Working on a project and the same edits or effects applied to multiple images? Then you need Scripting in PaintShop Pro! In this quick video, follow along as we show you how to apply [...]

Announcing the Nikon D5 for AfterShot Pro 3
Hey there Corel Photo crowd, we’re back again with another all-new profile for AfterShot 3 — the Nikon D5! So if you’ve been shooting with Team Yellow’s latest full-frame flagship, get ready to start running those NEFs through the world’s fastest photo [...]