Tag - Google Nik
Google Nik Collection: Control Color Noise with Dfine
Dfine is the final plugin available in the Google Nik Collection. This series of free plugins is compatible with Corel PaintShop Pro and makes a powerful addition to your editing workflow. Check out our previous tutorials in this free [...]
Google Nik Collection: Bring out Hidden Detail with Sharpener Pro
Sharpener Pro 3 is the fifth plugin available from the Google Nik Collection. It’s very easy to integrate Sharpener Pro 3 into your editing workflow. This program simplifies complicated sharpening procedures down to very simple steps. Sharpener Pro 3 utilises [...]
Google Nik Collection: Using HDR Efex Pro
High Dynamic Range post-processing is often complicated and daunting for many photographers. The idea of manually blending multiple exposures and carefully adjusting settings often sends many photographers running for the hills. HDR Efex Pro from the Google Nik Collection [...]
Google Nik Collection: Using Viveza Pro to Adjust Color and Tonality
We’ve recently been discussing the Google Nik Collection and its use in editing your photography. The Collection contains seven different powerful plugins that can help you to process your photographs quickly and easily. The whole collection works seamlessly with [...]
Google Nik Collection: Using Silver Efex Pro to Create Black and White Images
Silver Efex Pro is a free plug-in available from the Google Nik Collection. This easy-to-use program offers photographers the opportunity to mimic dark room treatments digitally. It’s another great plug-in you can use with Corel PaintShop Pro. Silver Efex [...]