Tag - Scrapbook Campus
PaintShop Professionals Spotlight: Meet Carole Asselin, Digital Scrapbooker
Carole has been using PaintShop Pro for all of her graphics needs since version 7. She was immediately intrigued by the software and its capabilities and wanted to utilize it to create elements and layouts from scratch. Specifically, she [...]
Picture Tubes | Part 2
Hello again Corel Photo community! Carole here, back again to continue exploring pictures tubes in PaintShop Pro. In my last guest post, we defined what picture tubes are and what types of tubes you’ll find in PaintShop Pro. But [...]
Picture Tubes in PaintShop Pro
Hello, my name is Carole—or as many from within the PaintShop Pro forum community may know me, Cassel. I’m a longtime PaintShop Pro user (since version 7, back in the JASC days!); digital scrapbooker; and founder of Scrapbook Campus, a website dedicated to learning [...]