5 Tips for Making a Great Slideshow


Slideshows have become a necessary basic skill to have for work and personal life alike. They are used for business presentations, for showing travel photos, and as a way to share memories at special occasions.

Fortunately, learning how to make a video slideshow can be one of the simplest and most rewarding projects you can create in VideoStudio. Here are a few quick tips for making a great  slideshow, and you can watch our helpful tutorial for more detailed information.

1. Think multimedia!

We have the technology – use it. Using a combination of photos, audio, animation, and text you can create professional and engaging presentations to suit whatever project you are working on. Give your spectacular vacation photos the soundtrack they really deserve.

2. Be concise!

While slideshows can be a great way to transmit tons of information quickly, be careful not to overwhelm with text. A good rule is no more than three bullet points per page. Remember to break up text with pictures and graphics.

3. Keep it tasteful!

Tailoring your slideshow to your audience is the more important than any technical skill. While transition effects can add something fun to a personal slideshow, maybe keep them to a minimum for a more professional presentation.

4. Make it fun!

Whatever your audience, making a video slideshow should impress and entertain your audience. Explore the multitude of options and possibilities in VideoStudio to make sure you are making the professional quality output you are capable of.

5. Save it!

Save your work often. Slideshows can be a big job so try to make a point of saving your progress at regular intervals, every 10 to 15 minutes is a good rate. You don’t want to be the person who spent 2 hours on a project only to have the power pulled by an excited puppy or curious little one! Additionally, one of the great features in VideoStudio is the option to export your slideshow onto a DVD so you can keep the memory and the hard work forever.

I hope these quick tips will give you a helpful starting point as you move into the exciting world of video slideshows. Don’t have VideoStudio yet, but definitely want to get started making video slideshows? No problem! Try a free trial  of VideoStudio Pro X7.

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  1. Mike Alexander says

    I am trying to find out how to run a slideshow in PSP X7
    (like the ‘slideshow’ in Aftershot)
    Can it be done?

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