With the three and four-point editing mode introduced in Pinnacle Studio 22 Plus and Ultimate, you can precisely insert clips into the timeline. Learn how to mark the in and out points of your clip and identify the location on your timeline of where to place them for the ultimate level of flexibility and precision.
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How to Use Three and Four-Point Editing
You can use the three and four-point editing mode in Pinnacle Studio to trim and add source clips to a sequence in the Timeline. Three and four-point editing offers a quick and precise way to add clips. You can use three and four-point editing mode for any project, but it works particularly well for projects where you want align clips precisely, such as matching illustrative clips to narration or matching the clips to specific parts of a soundtrack.
“Points” refers to the “in point” (Mark In) and “out point” (Mark Out) markers that you add to the source clip and the Timeline. In most cases, you will likely use 3-point editing because it lets you edit precisely without adjusting the speed of clips. 4-point editing, in most cases, results in adjusting the speed of the clip so that it precisely fits a defined time in the Timeline.

How does it work?
In the Timeline, you can identify where you want to add a source clip by adding an in-point marker (for where you want the clip to start), an out-point marker (for where you want the clip to end), or both. The same is true for your source clip. You can add an in-point marker, an out-point marker, or both. The source clip will be trimmed according to these markers when you add it to the Timeline and overwrite any underlying content in the Timeline (nondestructive,the original files are protected). If you decide to set all 4 points, in most cases, the duration set in the Timeline will not match the duration of the trimmed clip. This means you need to alter the speed of the clip to fill the time defined in the Timeline, or, you can choose which 3 points are the priority, and allow the clip to run at its original speed.
To add clips by using 3-point editing
- In the Timeline, click the 3-4 Point Edit Mode button in the editing mode dropdown.
- With one or more clips already in the Timeline, drag the scrubber to the position you want to insert your clip, and do one of the following:
- To set an in point, click the Mark In button on the Timeline toolbar, or press I.
- To set an out point, click the Mark Out button on the Timeline toolbar or press O.
- Note: To clear a marker, click the corresponding button a second time. To clear both markers, click the Clear Mark In/Mark Out button.
- If you are setting two points in the Timeline, repeat step 2.
- In the Library, select the source clip you want to insert, and in the Player panel, ensure the Source view is displayed (click the Source tab).
- Using the controls below the preview, move the scrubber to the position you want, and do one of the following:
- To set an in point, click the Mark In button or press I.
- To set an out point, click the Mark Out button or press O.
- If you are setting two points for your source, repeat step 2, but the total points for the Timeline plus the source should be 3.
- In the Timeline, select the track where you want to add the source clip, and do one of the following:
- Below the Preview, click the Keep Speed button.
- From the Library, drag the source clip to the track.
- When the Fit Clip window appears, choose the option you want from the message Window. The clip is added to the Timeline according to the points set.
To add clips by using 4-point editing
- In the Timeline, click the 3-4 Point Edit Mode button in the editing mode dropdown.
- With one or more clips already in the Timeline, drag the scrubber to the in-point position you want, and click the Mark In button on the Timeline toolbar.
- In the Timeline, drag the scrubber to the out-point position you want, and click the Mark Out button on the Timeline toolbar.
- In the Library, select the source clip you want, and in the Player panel, ensure the Source view is displayed (click the Source tab).
- Using the controls below the preview, move the scrubber to the in-point position you want, and click the Mark In button or press I.
- Move the scrubber to the out-point position you want, and click the Mark Out button or press O.
- In the Timeline, select the track where you want to add the clip.
- Below the preview, click the Fit to Duration button.
Note: The speed of the clip will be adjusted to fit the duration between the in and out points in the Timeline. Unless the clip duration and Timeline duration are exactly the same, a yellow dashed line appears across the top of the clip to indicate that the original speed has been modified. If your clip includes audio, the quality of the audio will be affected and sped up or slowed down to correspond with the new clip duration.
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Ciao Elio,
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