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Product specialist Roger Wambolt covers several of the tools in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite that are indispensable when working on designs for garment decoration.
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Start your FREE 15-day trial and embark on a design journey with powerful tools for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, typography, and collaboration.
What’s New in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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Creativity meets productivity in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite: the professional design toolkit for vector illustration, layout, photo editing and typography.

Elevate your designs with Calligraphic Vintage or add retro vibes with Vintage Denim and Retro Sale Icons. Includes 3000 diverse icons in 55 vector packs.

Dream it then design it with CorelDRAW Standard 2021, the go-to graphic design suite for hobbyists and home businesses.

With an extensive selection of over 11,000 vector elements, this bundle provides an invaluable resource for designers, illustrators, and creatives seeking high-quality graphics.

Design your creative projects in a user-friendly tool with intuitive features, accessible anywhere there’s a web browser.
In this tutorial, you will learn about:
- the Smooth tool, which reduces the number of nodes that would affect the way a shape is filled;
- the enhanced Knife tool, which allows you to cut single objects or groups of objects and create gaps or overlaps with precision;
- the Copy Curve Segments features, which allows you to copy, paste or duplicate pieces of existing curves to reuse in your projects;
- the new Font Manager, which allows you to easily explore, handle and organize fonts;
- the Pointillizer add-on, which allows you to generate high-quality vector mosaics from selected objects, vector graphics or bitmaps;
- Photo Zoom, a free app which allows you to upsample a raster image larger than 20%; and
- PowerTrace, which allows you to convert bitmap images into high-quality vector objects.
See what’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite!
Start your FREE 15-day trial and embark on a design journey with powerful tools for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, typography, and collaboration.