Learn the basics and get started in Pinnacle Studio. From beginner to advanced users, Pinnacle Studio has something for you. Creativity meets control with Pinnacle Studio. Edit with precision on unlimited tracks with pro-caliber tools like Multi-Camera editing, screen recording, Split Screen video, sophisticated audio tools and 2000+ filters and effects. Easily share online, export to device or burn to DVD with menus!
Want to learn more? Browse through our collection of Pinnacle Studio tutorials for beginners for more detailed instructions on how to use each of the tools covered in this overview video.
Thanks for watching! We hope you found this tutorial helpful and we would love to hear your feedback in the Comments section at the bottom of the page.
Download a FREE 15-day trial and discover all the essential and advanced video editing features that Pinnacle Studio delivers to make your videos look their best.
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Comments (46)
Reader Interactions
pour quoi windows 21est-il plus complet que 25 ultimate pour les effets
Awesome thank
you more features
I am just getting started with Pinnacle studio 25, and already it appears you want me to upgrade to 26!! I would do that, BUT I need to know how this work first. I am using the video tutorials now, BUT….where can I find a downloadable user guide so I can print out a manual for this???
I=t would be most helpful.
Thank you again.
Rick Houser
Hi Richard,
Here is the link to the user guide for Pinnacle Studio 25 https://help.pinnaclesys.com/pinnacle/v25/en/user-guide/pinnacle-studio-25.pdf. And there is a free trial available for Pinnacle Studio 26 if you would like to try it at some point.
Hope this helps!
The Discovery Center team
Kan geluid zoals in studio 18 niet aanpassen. wat ik ook probeer in studio 23. wel hoog laag, maar niet bv halverwege aanpassingen te maken. Onprettig program . Niet gebruiksvriendelijk, zoals 18. Helaas zal ik moeten overgaan naar een ander merk.
The new version ads are intrusive. I´m using Pinnacle Studio 24, and I´m happy with it. Corel must stop putting those ads on my site – or at least there should be a clear link saying “I´m not interested..”, to get the ad removed in no time. The ads (“free trial, you may use it fo 30 days for free” or something like that) make me pzzled does that mean that if I try it for more than that time, I´m charged for it).
Hi Vesa,
There should be a checkbox in the bottom corner “Do not show this ad again” which you can click if you don’t want to see the advertisement. The free trial for Pinnacle Studio 26 is 15 days and once the trial program is over, you will not be able to use it and you will not be charged.
Best regards,
The Discovery Center team
Hola Rafael,
Para ver subtítulos en tu idioma:
– Haga clic en el ícono “Settings” en la esquina inferior derecha del reproductor de video.
– Haz clic en “Subtitles” y selecciona tu idioma.
– Si su idioma no aparece en la lista, haga clic en “English (auto-generated)”, luego haga clic en “Auto-translate” y seleccione su idioma.
Discovery Center team
I have just converted 30 year VCR tapes to digital and now want to cut out (delete) parts of them – including parts at the beginning, middle and end.
I need simplified instructions for Pinnacle 26 Ultimate. Nothing I read seems to address this directly.
Hi David,
Here is a tutorial on cutting out segments of your videos https://learn.corel.com/tutorials/pinnacle-how-to-split-cut-trim-videos/.
Hope this helps!
The Discovery Center team
Cessez d’être intrusif dans mon logiciel ! je veux que vous supprimiez cela de mon logiciel !
Bonjour Pascal,
Pouvez-vous s’il vous plaît fournir plus d’informations sur ce que vous aimeriez voir supprimé de votre logiciel ?
Discovery Center team
Estoy con Pinacle 23 y todavía no se como funciona por favor enviénme el enlace de la guia del 23 lo compre hace años y no consigo hacer nada
Aquí está la guía del usuario para Pinnacle Studio 23
necesito ver tutoriales de la version pinacle 23 la compre hace años y no consigo hacer nada
Hola Belen Pardos Hernando,
La mayoría de nuestros tutoriales son aplicables a Pinnacle Studio 23. Si es la primera vez que utiliza Pinnacle Studio, consulte nuestra colección de tutoriales para principiantes para comenzar.
¿Hay algún tema específico que estés buscando?
Aquí está la guía del usuario para Pinnacle Studio 23
Discovery Center team
Este comentario fue traducido usando Google Translate
je suis utilisateur de pinnacle studio 25. il y a t’il un guide utilisateur en français, s’il vou plaît?
Bonjour Berdal,
Voici le lien https://help.pinnaclesys.com/pinnacle/v25/fr/user-guide/pinnacle-studio-25.pdf
Discovery Center team
le tutoriel est en Anglais et je ne comprends pas un mot d’Anglais
Bonjour Charles,
Pour voir les sous-titres dans votre langue :
– Cliquez sur l’icône “Settings/Paramètres” dans le coin inférieur droit du lecteur video
– Cliquez sur “Subtitles/Sous-titres” et sélectionnez votre langue
– Si votre langue n’est pas répertoriée, cliquez sur “English (auto-generated)”, puis sur “Auto-translate” et sélectionnez votre langue.
Discovery Center team
Ich möchte alte VHS Casetten auf einen Stick kopieren .Wie bringe ich das analoge Signal in die Software Pinacle 25.
Ein Video grapper ist vorhanden
Hallo Ludwig,
Dieser Abschnitt im Benutzerhandbuch hilft Ihnen beim Import aus analogen Quellen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
The Discovery Center team
He comprado pinnacle 26 ultimate y tengo las transiciones y otros efectos bloqueados. He pagado por ellos pero no se donde pegar los numeros de serie
Hola Jaime,
Si está intentando desbloquear la versión de prueba de Pinnacle Studio 26, deberá descargar e instalar la versión completa desde el enlace que se encuentra en el correo electrónico de confirmación de su pedido. Esto desinstalará la versión de prueba y debería tener acceso a las transiciones, efectos, etc.
The Discovery Center team
Har nyligen börjat med Pinnacle 26 men har problem med att få upp sekvenser på tidslinjen vad gör jag ????
Hej Gunnar,
Se det här avsnittet i hjälpfilerna för att lägga till media till tidslinjen http://help.pinnaclesys.com/pinnacle/how-to/index.html?app=Pinnacle-Studio&lang=sv#/l2TOC45?sub=1132948
vänliga hälsningar
Discovery Center team
i have studio 12 loved it, its outdated so i upgraded to studio 26 . i cant figure out how to use it things disappear on me , sometimes i cant find how to save something. its not user friendly at all . there must be a way to show an easy step by step putting movie together then explain different things you can do if you’d like. i cant get title to stay in place.
Hi Loretta,
Here are some resources that you may find helpful:
Tutorial series Beginner Editing Techniques in Pinnacle Studio
Pinnacle Studio User Guide
Also, I would highly recommend you check out the free 10-day all access pass to Studio Backlot. They have a very comprehensive library of training videos. You can sign up for the free pass here, and view the list of training materials here.
Hope this helps!
The Discovery Center team
buongiorno vorrei sapere, se acquisto pinnacle 26 esiste un manuale utente dedicato in italiano? potrebbe andare bene il manuale del 25?
grazie per una vostra cortese risposta.
P.S. ho scaricato la versione di prova del 26 ma alcune cose, nonostante abbia guardato il tutorial non riesco a capirle.
Ciao! Ecco la guida utente in italiano per Pinnacle Studio 26 https://help.pinnaclesys.com/pinnacle/v26/Pinnacle-Studio-it/Pinnacle-Studio-26.pdf
Distinti saluti,
The Discovery Center team
buongiorno chiedo scusa se vi interpello ancora, volendo mettere una foto verticale nello sfondo del titolo, il programma demo me la porta quadrata per cui il viso o il soggetto rimane “schiacciato”. E’ possibile inserire una foto verticale ovviando a questo problema? nel manuale non ho trovato nulla che mi possa aiutare, grazie per la disponibilità.
Je ne peux plus accéder à Pinacle 21. L’offre Pinacle 26 vient le parasiter. Je n’en veux pas. !!!
Que faire pour en retrouver l’accès ? Existe-t-il un tutoriel pour Pinacle 21 ?
Bonjour Max,
Vous pouvez cliquer sur l’onglet Importer ou Edition en haut de l’interface pour utiliser Pinnacle Studio.
Aussi, dans le menu principal de Pinnacle Studio, sélectionnez Configuration > Panneau de configuration. Lorsque le Panneau de configuration apparaît, choisissez Page de démarrage, puis choisissez l’onglet Edition. Désormais, lorsque vous lancez Pinnacle Studio, il s’ouvre avec l’onglet Edition actif, au lieu de l’onglet Bienvenue où vous voyez l’offre pour Pinnacle Studio 26.
Discovery Center team
the programm 26 is much too complicated. I do not need all this features. what I need is a simly program for over 70 year old guys.
Hi Dr. Weyland,
We’re sorry to hear that the software isn’t meeting your expectations. Is there a specific tool or task you are having difficulty with – perhaps we have a tutorial on the subject that would help you. Also, we highly recommend taking advantage of the free 10-day access to Pinnacle Studio training from Studio Backlot here https://studiobacklot.tv/studio26/, to help you get started.
Best regards,
The Discovery Center team
is there a users manual available for sale for Pinnacle Studio 26? Where could I get it?
Hi Francis,
You can download a PDF copy of the Pinnacle Studio 26 user guide here. Also, if you click on the Help (?) icon on the top menu bar in Pinnacle Studio, there is a “Search Help” link for the online help files.
Best regards,
The Discovery Center team
manuál k pinnacle 26 v češtině. kde ho najdu prosím
Na versão do pinnacle 24 usei o recurso zoom com a maior facilidade, o processo era bem intuitivo para fazer zoon in, zoom aut, delocar imagem em chroma key para a direita ou esquerda, para cima ou para baixo. Já pedi muito tempo na versão do pinnacle 26 sem seucesso.
J’ai déjà posé la question deux fois mais pas de réponse. Existe-t-il un user guide pour pinnacle 26 ?
Bonjour Jean,
Voici le lien vers le guide d’utilisation https://help.pinnaclesys.com/pinnacle/how-to/Pinnacle-Studio-fr/Pinnacle-Studio-26.pdf.
Discovery Center team
I find the tutorials go too fast for me. I would like a user guide that I can read and copy. My problem is rolling titles. That is what I want to do.
Hi Maureen, here is the user guide https://help.pinnaclesys.com/pinnacle/v26/Pinnacle-Studio-en/Pinnacle-Studio-26.pdf.
Hope this helps!
The Discovery Center team
I dislike these videos. First, the silly background music is pointless and distracting. Worse, he says “Click here” and I can’t see where he clicked. A proper tutorial should always SAY the exact steps aloud, not just move a mouse around and chat.