In this tutorial, you will learn how to split, cut, and trim your video clips to remove segments of a video from the beginning, middle or end. Using the Split button or Trim function on the timeline, or Trim mode, will allow you to remove unwanted parts of a clip and keep only the segments you want to include.
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How to Split, Cut, and Trim Videos in Pinnacle Studio
In this tutorial, you will learn how to split, cut, and trim your video clips to remove segments of a video from the beginning, middle or end. Using the Split button or Trim function on the timeline, or Trim mode, will allow you to remove unwanted parts of a clip and keep only the segments you want to include.
Choosing an Editing Mode before Editing
Using Overwrite mode to do your splitting and trimming leaves everything on the timeline exactly where it was before and after splitting so you can manually close gaps or adjust the media how you want to.

It is also ideal for using Trim mode so you can edit multiple tracks at the same time.
How to Split Clips
- On the timeline, click on the clip that you want to split.
- Drag your playhead to the part of the clip that you want to split into two different segments.
- Click on the Split Clips icon and your clip has now been split into two separate parts.

From here, you can adjust the position of these clips on the timeline independently or put another clip in between them.
How to Delete and Position Clips
- Click on the clip you want to delete.
- Then click on the Delete Selected Clips icon.

Alternatively, right-click on the clip and then select Delete from the dropdown menu.
From here, you can rearrange your media on the timeline by clicking and dragging it to where you want your clips positioned.
Or you can right-click on the timeline in a gap where you want to push together media, and select Close Gap.

Note: One more important thing to note about the Split Clips icon, is that if you only want to split a clip on one of your A/V Tracks, you have to make sure that your clip is selected first. If you don’t have the clip selected, and you press the Split Clips icon, it will split all the media where your playhead is on each track and this could include titles and audio tracks.
How to Trim Clips and Use the Trim Mode
Highlight your cursor over the edge of the clip you want to trim until you see a line and an arrow icon pop up. Left-click and drag in the direction that you want to trim your clip.

You can do this to trim from both the beginning part of your clip and also the ending in the same way.
If you have media on multiple tracks and want to trim on both tracks at once and preview what it looks like, you might want to use the Trim Mode:
- First, drag the playhead over the clips you want to trim.
- Then click on the Trim Mode icon.

This will bring up the Trim Editor and here you can select which clip to trim by clicking on the box, and the yellow border around it will indicate which clip is selected.

Hover over the clip you want to trim with your mouse and until you see the line and arrow icon. Then click and drag in the direction you want to trim.

As you do this, the image in the unselected box will change as well to reflect the last frame before your new clip so you can preview exactly what the transition will look like.
You can also trim your selected clip by using the arrow buttons.
Click the outer arrows to trim the clip 10 frames forward or backward.

Or, to be even more precise, select the inner arrows to trim 1 frame forward and 1 frame backward.
Click on the Loop Play button to preview what your new trimmed clips will look like before exiting the Trim Editor.
And once you’re happy with it, just click on the timeline to exit the Trim Mode. Now you’re ready to start editing and perfecting your videos!
Download a FREE 15-day trial and discover all the essential and advanced video editing features that Pinnacle Studio delivers to make your videos look their best.
Comments (5)
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Sie bieten an, Ressourcen aus den Tutorials als PDF Version herunterzuladen. Auch in deutscher Sprache?
Hallo Karlheinz,
Hier ist eine Kopie des schriftlichen Tutorials in deutscher Sprache, übersetzt mit Microsoft Translator.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Discovery Center team
When doing exactly the same as in this tutorial, I am not seeing a double preview window. Just the single preview is visible. I am using the standard version. Is it only available in the ultimate version??
Hi Ben,
In the top right corner just above the preview window, there should be a “dual-mode” icon that you can use to toggle between single mode and dual mode. Do you have this icon?
Best regards,
The Discovery Center team
No, it didn’t. But I upgraded to the Ultimate version, and now it works.