With the Morph transitions introduced in VideoStudio 2019, you can transform a single image, shape, or sequence and make cuts or transitions between scenes and merge into the next scene so that there is no discernible beginning or end. The Morph Transition is an interesting blending effect that merges the end frames of one clip with the start frames of the next clip. It works best with clips that have a similar horizon or similar lines – and its super easy to apply.

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How to use Morph Transitions

  1. With two clips on the timeline that you want to transition between, open up the Transitions menu and type “morph” into the search bar – then just drag the transition onto the join between the clips.
  2. Double-click the transition, and then click Customize to go to the transitions main screen.
  3. The key is adapting these two lines so that they reflect your visual references in your clips – VideoStudio will attempt to give you a starting point, but sometimes it may be easier for to do it on your own. If this is the case, right-click one of the points and select Delete All (except first and last points) to start on a blank canvas.
  4. Simply click along the line to add new points, and drag them where you need them to be. Once you’ve done this for both clips, preview your result, and fine tune if you need to.
    • Remember, the bigger difference between your two lines, the more the transition will morph your two clips.
  5. Once happy, press OK to return to the timeline. Like all transitions, you can easily adjust the duration of the morph as well, for a quicker morph, or a slower, more dramatic version. Fine tine it until you’re satisfied!
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