By Anand Dixit
Whatever the design, many times your client will ask for an alternate color scheme or additional options for fonts and text attributes. In other cases, you may want more options for your design. Spending time creating these options manually can add hours and additional costs to your project. Instead, why not use “Styles” in CorelDRAW? In this webinar, Anand Dixit, CorelDRAW Master, graphic designer and trainer will show you how to create options for your designs in minutes, including:
- The easiest and quickest ways to creating text and color options for designs,
- How to use Color Styles and text styles,
- Controlling text and colors from entire file using Styles Dockers.
Start your FREE 15-day trial and embark on a design journey with powerful tools for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, typography, and collaboration.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Webinars
What’s New in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

Start your FREE 15-day trial and embark on a design journey with powerful tools for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, typography, and collaboration.