Get started on your photo editing journey with this short overview tutorial that will introduce you to the PaintShop Pro interface and most-used tools. Explore the Welcome screen where you will find helpful tutorials to guide you, a new Workspace tab, and a collection of free and premium templates, plugins and other creative content. We will review the Tools toolbar and give you a quick demonstration of how to use the most common photo editing tools for cropping and resizing your images, working with colors and selections, adding text and more. 

Want to learn more? Browse through our collection of PaintShop Pro tutorials for beginners for more detailed instructions on how to use each of the tools covered in this overview video.

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Comments (13)

Reader Interactions


  1. mike thibodeau says

    Enjoyed Paintshop Pro X6 for eight years, and when problems arose decided to try 2022 version.

  2. Rick Leanillo says

    No comment, yet. I’m updating with PaintShop Pro from an earlier Corel product. Also, before retirement, I used Corel professionally.

  3. mark knapton says

    can paint shop pro be used on multiple devices,ie,desk top and laptop or do i have to get another downlode

    • gilliandarby says

      Hi Mark,
      The Corel EULA (End User License Agreement) states that you can install PaintShop Pro on up to 2 devices. You can find more details in the full agreement at
      Best regards,
      The Discovery Center team

  4. Marie A Ybarra says

    I downloaded the trial version of PaintShopPro 2022. Nothing seems to work so how can I evaluate it for future purchase? I was able to get a picture but cannot figure out how to whiten the teeth or even edit it. The help doesn’t work.

    Even comment doesn’t seem to work.
    I’ve used CorelDraw for many years and thought this would be a good addition.

  5. Margaret Ransome says

    1. I fine that some of the instructors are talking way to fast . They say check this tool. by the time you figure out where they got this tool they are already 3 steps ahead of you. People need time to process where and when to look for objects that are being talked about. Instruct them to talk at a normal speed.
    2. It is hard to see the tool bars on the top of the screen. People need visual to know where the objects are. Or have a zoom in so we know what area the instructor is in.
    3. Its like everyone is assuming we know where all the tools we need are. this is an instruction for beginners to moderate. some maybe looking at it for the first time. there are a lot of tools there.

  6. Philip Keipp says

    how do I get paintshoppro user guide?, I purchased Paintshoppro Ultimate and can not find a guide or Painter Essentials 8, all of which are supposed to come with the Ultimate package

    • gilliandarby says

      Hi Philip,

      You can access the User Guide under the Help menu in PaintShop Pro. To install Painter Essentials 8, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro 2023 Setup Files\PainterEssentials8 and there should be a file called PainterEssentials8.exe. Double-click on the file and this will open the installer program.

      Hope this helps!
      The Discovery Center team

  7. Mary-Jean Reid says

    I have used older editions of PSP for years with great results. But now I am stumped as to how to simply enter my photo files into PSP ultimate? I am 80 years old and not as sharp as I once was, so please be patient with me. The tutorials (to me) don’t seem to address this basic function. I don’t seem to be able to find this information.
    Thanking you in advance for your help.

  8. Patrice Charbonneau says

    Pretty much every one commenting on paint shop pro as a new user complain in fact about the default minimalist workspace.
    Imagine new user or user coming from adobe photoshop, they will not understand workspace is in fact a feature and not a lack of tool.
    I believe the time is now overdue to corel team to change the default workspace upon installation to something more usefull like the complete workspace. If then upon learning… or for previous users, they want to use minimalist workspace they will know how to change it. Right now we can’t say the same for new user upon installing that struggle to find where are the basic tools because the default worspace is minimalist and hide the true nature of paintshop, a true competitor to adobe photoshop at a fraction of the price